Humans are primates, which means we like to keep our bodies clean. We do that by removing hair from our body. Whether you have long or short hair and whether it’s on your head, face or your armpits, having hair in your body is a common feature of human beings. The function of hair is to provide protection by keeping dirt and debris away from the skin underneath. Hair also traps air and sweat to keep our skin well-ventilated. There are many reasons why humans have hair in their body, but the most important one is so that we can stay warm. Our body produces heat when we’re active or when it’s exposed to cold air or wind. That’s why we need insulation; otherwise, our core temperature would cool down very quickly as soon as the surface temperature of our skin falls below 59 °F (15 °C). There are three types of insulation: natural insulation (such as fur), artificial insulation (such as clothes) and structural insulation (such as walls). When we have structural insulation such as walls around us to retain heat inside our homes, we say that we live in an insular environment – a place where there’s no danger of freezing because the structure prevents air from coming in and trapping the heat inside until the day comes when it gets warm enough again so that it escapes through windows or doors for outdoor ventilation before returning into the structure.
Hair and Sweat glands
Hair grows in the epidermis, or outermost layer of skin. Hair follicles are a small part of the epidermis that produce hair. The hair then falls out and gets replaced by new hairs. The hair that grows on the head is called vellus hair, while the hair on other parts of our body is called terminal or body hair.
The sweat glands in our skin also help to keep our bodies clean by removing dirt and debris from our bodies as we sweat. This removes bacteria and fungi that can cause an infection, but it also has an important function of keeping us cool during hot weather because sweating evaporates heat from our bodies.
The function of hair is to provide protection by keeping dirt and debris away from the skin underneath
How humans stay warm
Humans need to stay warm for a variety of reasons. Some people might be born with a high tolerance to cold, so they don’t need insulation. For other people, it might be necessary just because the average temperature where they live is too cold for them to survive. There are two ways that people stay warm. The first way is by wearing clothes and staying in an insular environment like living in a house with walls and windows. The second way is by ingesting food that contains nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These nutritional components provide thermal energy to keep our body warm in the same way that insulation does.
Natural insulation
Our body produces heat when we’re active or when it’s exposed to cold air or wind. That’s why we need insulation; otherwise, our core temperature would cool down very quickly as soon as the surface temperature of our skin falls below 59 °F (15 °C). Hair is a natural form of insulation that can be found on humans and animals alike. There are three types of insulation: natural insulation (such as fur), artificial insulation (such as clothes) and structural insulation (such as walls). You can see how hair traps air and sweat to keep the skin well-ventilated, which is an important function in an insular environment where there’s no danger of freezing.
Artificial insulation
Artificial insulation includes clothes and blankets. Clothes trap heat because they can be made of natural or synthetic fibers that hold onto our body heat. They’re also breathable, which allows air to circulate around our bodies so we can cool down when necessary. Blankets are another option for artificial insulation. They’re thick, fluffy, and warm. The structure traps the heat from our body and prevents it from escaping through the fabric by keeping the air trapped inside the blanket until it gets cold enough outside to release the heat through vents in the blanket at night.
Summing up
Human beings have hair in their body for many reasons. One of the main reasons is so that we can stay warm. Humans have a lot of muscle mass, which is why it’s important to keep our core temperature up by having the right insulation around us.